
The State of Employee Health and Well-being 2021 Report -

Well-being leaders place a higher priority on mental health and provide more mental health resources and support

The majority of leaders, 83%, agree that employee mental health is among their top five HR priorities. Just half of laggards feel the same way. Significantly more laggards express a certain ambivalence about the priority of employee mental health: 28% neither agree nor disagree, compared to 13% of leaders. Another key difference: well-being leaders offer notably more mental health su

Employee Wellness: XpertHR 2020 Survey

XpertHR wanted to know what organizations are doing today to promote and further employee wellness. This survey, conducted in November 2019, gives a snapshot of wellness programs and initiatives.

The modern incarnation of wellness programs began in the 1980s when companies decided that it made economic sense to encourage employees to live healthier lives. But what began as a focus on physical health has shifted to a more holistic view of wellness, including fitness, mental health, work/life bal

UC Keeps Stadium Healthcare Professionals Connected

Looking forward to cheering on your team? Or singing along with your favorite rock star? As a fan or concert-goer, you may focus on what’s happening in front of you without ever considering that today’s stadiums are more than just places to watch an event. They’re an amalgam of services that support the fan experience.

For example, true fans know that a baseball game needs hot dogs. They should be able to buy their favorite player’s jersey. And, it’s always fun to watch the hard-working groundskeepers roll out the tarp when a thunderstorm passes by. But most important – though most fans push this to the back of their minds – are the people who rush to your side when there’s a medical emergency.

Unified Communications Connects Physicians with Patients

Telemedicine and telehealth applications are quickly becoming an important part of healthcare delivery. Whether it’s because of convenience, cost, efficiency or simply a better approach to medicine, both doctors and patients are more open to conducting medical appointments virtually. This is all made possible by unified communications and the way it links people and data via the cloud.

Think about neurologists, who are increasingly hard to come by. Fewer MDs are taking up the specialty, and tho