
Find the Right Tech Partner By Asking These 7 Questions

Due diligence is essential anytime you select a tech vendor. But when you’re about to trust your hiring and candidate experience to a tech partner, it’s doubly important. After all, the technology you use to hire says a lot about your company to potential employees. The right tech partner will help you hire better and reduce the risk of moving to digital tools. There are thousands of tech companies out there. Use these questions to filter the field and vet your contenders:

Does the tech partner

How to Create a Data Literate Culture in Your Organization

The ability to collect and process data has increased exponentially in the past 20 years and the cloud is at the core of this dramatic change. Businesses can now store and easily access large amounts of information, and while we have the technological tools to mine this data, what’s often lagging is our understanding of it. To get the most from it, everyone in the organization needs to understand how to access it, keep it secure and think critically about its potential use cases and applications

Why You Need an AI & Ethics Board

Most businesses today have a great deal of data at their fingertips. They also have the tools to mine this information. But with this power comes responsibility. Before using data, technologists need to step back and evaluate the need. In today’s data-driven, virtual age, it's not a question of whether you have the information, but if you should use it and how.

Consider the Implications of Big Data

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have revolutionized the processing of data, turning huge amou

16 Ways to Help Remote Workers Feel Like They're in the Conference Room

We’ve all been there. The frustrating meeting: disorganized, without an agenda and far too many attendees – both in the room and on the phone. When you’re done, you feel like you’ve wasted an hour of your life.

For remote employees, it’s even worse. Because they’re not physically at the conference table, they miss the non-verbal cues and side conversations, while those attending in person often forget who’s on the other end of the speaker phone. It’s no wonder that people multitask during conference calls.

Tech Companies: Here's Why You Should Hire a 59-Year-Old

In today’s tight tech labor market, you can’t afford to knock any qualified candidate out of the running. And yet, age discrimination is more common than ever. By overlooking older workers, you might be losing real talent and experience that will help your organization.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that older workers (age 55 and older) are the fastest-growing segment of the workforce, especially those age 65 and older. They predict that, by 2024, over 30 percent of this group will be

UC Keeps Stadium Healthcare Professionals Connected

Looking forward to cheering on your team? Or singing along with your favorite rock star? As a fan or concert-goer, you may focus on what’s happening in front of you without ever considering that today’s stadiums are more than just places to watch an event. They’re an amalgam of services that support the fan experience.

For example, true fans know that a baseball game needs hot dogs. They should be able to buy their favorite player’s jersey. And, it’s always fun to watch the hard-working groundskeepers roll out the tarp when a thunderstorm passes by. But most important – though most fans push this to the back of their minds – are the people who rush to your side when there’s a medical emergency.

10 Ways to Eliminate Meeting Bloat and Improve Collaboration

The average non-manager attends eight meetings per week, according to Steven G. Rogelberg, a professor at the University of North Carolina. Meanwhile, executives find themselves sitting around a conference table even more frequently: CEOs spend 60 percent of their time in meetings, while managers attend 12 each week.

Despite the best of intentions, not all attendees find meetings to be productive or believe they result in the collaboration necessary to move projects forward. That’s because employees often have meetings on their calendar that are no longer relevant to them, resulting in “meeting bloat.”